Six Five Media is delivering exclusive, behind-the-scenes coverage of Lattice Semiconductor’s Developers Conference. Join us to dive into the latest trends in edge AI, security, and advanced connectivity.
- DeepakBoppanaSenior Director, Product MarketingLattice SemiconductorSIX FIVE MEDIA HOSTS
Deepak Boppana, at Lattice Semiconductor, joins host Patrick Moorhead, sharing his insights on the Lattice Nexus 2 platform. This conversation delves into the platform's innovation and its pivotal role at Lattice Developers Conference 24.
DanielNewmanCEO and Chief AnalystThe Futurum GroupPatrickMoorheadFounder, CEO, and Chief AnalystMoor Insights & Strategy - DanMansurCorporate Vice PresidentLattice SemiconductorEsamElashmawiInterim Chief Executive Officer & Chief Strategy and Marketing OfficerLattice SemiconductorFordTamerCEOLattice SemiconductorSIX FIVE MEDIA HOSTS
Ford Tamer, CEO at Lattice, alongside Esam Elashmawi and Dan Mansur, share in-depth insights into Lattice's growth strategy, key product launches, and their unique stance in the Edge AI marketplace, directly from Lattice DevCon 2024.
DanielNewmanCEO and Chief AnalystThe Futurum GroupPatrickMoorheadFounder, CEO, and Chief AnalystMoor Insights & Strategy